Sunday 5 January 2014

Animation: Wall.e
Wall.E is an animated movie that tells the story of a small robot that has been abandoned on earth and is recycling all the waste and scrap metal into small blocks which he uses to create building look-a-like structures, he recycles the waste by inputting it to his torso and crushing it down and outputting it as a metal/junk block.

Saturday 4 January 2014

Illustration: Recycling illustration of the production line

Here is an illustration representing recycling in the production line, in the image you can see scrap and rubbish being imputed into the machine and a product(bottles) coming out the otherside. I choice this illustration because I feel it is clear and is a very good representation of recycling within the production line.
Book: The Iron Man
The Book the The Iron Man is about a huge robot that needs parts of metal or spare or even scrap. A boy saves the robot after luring him into a trap and takes the robot to a junkyard where the robot can feast on the spare parts and junk metal. The robot essentially eats the metal an scrap pieces as food sothey don't rust and waste away.
Game: Terminator salvation

Terminator salvation an action-adventure game about the war between man and machine, The machines are growing and rebuilding themselves and upgrading themselves. The story/campaign of the game is journey man takes to reach the mainframe of "skynet" which is the heart of the machine army sotha they can destroy it and rebuild their cities. The machines get progressively bigger and better as you progress through the campaign they rebuild themselves like recycling themselves to become more dangerous
Film: Robots 
The film "Robots" it is about a young robot 'Rodney Copperbottom' whose ambitions are to be an inventor and along the way he recycles spare parts to fix up rusty and wasting away robots however the head of the city is against this idea of recycling spare parts to fix up the old era of robots and wants them to be forgot about and to be melted down so that they can be built into into upgrade parts for the next generation of robots.

                                                                           My Artist

My artist that uses Mechanical and scarp parts in their projects is Terrence Willment, He isn't that famous for his work but he has created some fantastic sculptures using scrap parts and junk. Terrence Willment uses mainly abandoned cars and uses their parts to create his sculptures and sells his sculpture's in show room like events. He mainly works with manufactures in Thailand. My favourite sculpture of is his would be the alien created from scarp parts, I like this sculpture because of the detail and size of it and it is identical to the alien we see in the movie "Aliens" here is an image of the alien sculpture.

Thursday 31 October 2013


Video Game Timeline
1st Generation Of Gaming 
A German Engineer and his co-workers created the first video game console, it is called the 'Brown Box'the aim of the game is for two players to chase each other, The players control two squares on the screen to chase each other. There is a modified toy gun that the players use to distinguish spots of light on the screen.

One of the earliest and first most successful video game was Pong, its a simple tennis game that was played mostly in arcade centres.
The worlds first console that can be played at home was also realised in 1972, it was called Magnauox Odyssey and it sold 330,000 units in its life time.

  Atari released breakout,  the prototype for the game was designed by cofounders named Steve jobs and Steve wozniak. the current variant for blackberry is called brick breaker.

the first racing arcade was made called gran trak 10, the game was the first arcade game to use rom.
Maze was also released in 1974 it was the earliest first person shooter in video game history.

second generation gaming:


Nintendo releases the first coloured game light tennis (pong) called colour tu game 6 packing six different variations of light.
Atari released the first computer game system, it was the most successful game console of its time


in 1978 notable released space invaders, space wars and bee gee


notable released asteroids. they also brought out in the same year lunar Lander, Monaco GP and flight simulator.


notable realased Pac-man and also missile command, defender and centipede
Matter releases the interilliusion video game console, during its lifetime it released a total of 125 in its lifetime.


in 1982 notable released lot of games, they released Q-Bert, Tron, Megamania, dig dug, pole position and joust
3rd Generation Gaming:


62million units of the family computer were sold, first released Japan and then later in the United States of America. Created by Nintendo.
SG 1000 was also released  by saga in the Japanese market, it however found only minor success.

in 1984 notable released Dragon Buster, Tetris, Balloon Fight, Gauntlet, 1942 and paperboy.


Super Mario was released and sold 40million copies, it was released by Nintendo.


Sega released the Sega Master system as a competitor to NES.
Zelda was also released alongside out run, bubble bobble, Dragon quest and metroid, they were all created by notable.


Notable released mega man, street fighter, metal gear, final lap, castlevania, contra, final fantasy, phantasy star and manic mansion.

Fourth Generation Gaming:


the sega mega drive was released, it was the most successful console sga made selling 29 million units. Notable released Altered Beast, Super Mario Bros 3 and power Pad.


The game boy was released by Nintendo and was an instant success selling 118 million worldwide. Nintendo also released power glove, turbograf­­­­­­ x-16 and prince of Persia.


The super Famicon was released by Nintendo, the best selling console of the 16-bit era. it sold over 49million units. Also that year there was many video game realises being Neo Geo, Game Genie, Turbo express, Bonk's adventure, super Mario world and F-Zone.


Notable releases the classic Mortal Combat and Virtual Racing, Kirby's Dream Land, Mario Kart, Air Combat and Philips CD-i

5th Generation Gaming


Sony release's the PlayStation console, 125 million units sold, video games also released that year was sega saturn, neo geo cd and sega 32x. notable also released killer instinct, ultra fighter and earthworm Jim.

Nintendo release's he N64, it was the last of its kind. it was the last significant cartridge based home console was released in colours and it sold 33million units. resident evil was also brought out the same year.

6th Generation gaming:


Sega release the dream cast, it was ahead of its time and the pioneer for online gaming. dream cast sold over 10.6million copies.

sony release’s the ps2 and it is the best selling console to date.


Microsoft venture into the game industry and release the XboxOne 24million units sold. Nintendo also released the game-boy advanced and sold over 81million. Nintendo released the GameCube as well this was their first console and they sold over 21million units are sold.


the psp and Nintendo are released, the Nintendo was the first touch screen portable gaming device. psp was the first portable gaming device to use an optical disc.

7th Generation Gaming


the Xbox 360 was the Microsoft’s second console.


Sony brought the PlayStation3 and the Nintendo Wii are released with only 8 days apart from each other.

Nintendo release the Nintendo dsi and Sony release the psp go.